
You have to get up early to keep up. Especially when it comes to logistics. It is a sector that is constantly challenged on its solutions and competitiveness. Therefore, we are also there every step of the way, ensuring to deliver the right employees at all levels.

The right match paves the way for results.
The global logistics conditions are constantly challenged. This also means that unpredictability has become the rule - not the exception. What used to be called 'just-in-time' is now often referred to as 'just-in-case.' For this reason, there is an increasing demand, like never before, for language-proficient and multi-tasking employees with a strong overview.

We are close to the industry and able to find employees at all levels. This applies not only to logistics companies but also to retail chains and industries where product deliveries are of crucial importance to the competitive situation.

We draw on knowledge, familiarity, and experience.
All our consultants have extensive experience and many recruitments in the field of logistics and transport. We recruit both nationally and internationally, drawing on our extensive network in Scandinavia through JKS' own local departments or globally through our sister company, Professionals.

Vibeke Winberg

Read about Vibeke Winberg

Jeg har beskæftiget mig med bemandingsløsninger og specielt rekrutteringer, onboarding og tests igennem de seneste 6 år. Før dette, arbejdede jeg inden for telebranchen i godt 12 år, bl.a. som Key Account Manager og Produktmanager i en international distributions virksomhed. Derudover har jeg arbejdet som leder i en del år, først som restaurantchef og derefter som afdelingschef i en international varehuskæde, hvor jeg også var en del af ledergruppen. Salg, ledelse og forretningsforståelse har været bærende elementer i min karriere. Som tillæg er jeg uddannet Coach og stresscoach og har de seneste år arbejdet med profiler indenfor: Ledelse, teknik, salg, produktion, indkøb, HR, administration og marketing.

Do you want to hear more?

Are you interested in learning more about Career and our recruitment process? Contact us and find out how we can help your company.