
Sales and the sales role are undergoing significant changes in these years. New requirements and new skills are emerging month by month. It presents challenges but also opens up just as many opportunities. We are close and help all the way to find the right sales profiles.

We have a handle on the profiles
Even though digital development and e-procurement are changing traditional sales work, negotiation is still necessary between organizations. And the formula has not changed. Employees with a distinct and winning sales profile are still often the key to success.

With our many years of experience in the field, we find top-notch commercial profiles for you – the strong seller and/or negotiator with a strong character and strong analytical skills. Most positions can be filled with Danish candidates, but it is not uncommon for us to also seek candidates beyond Denmark's borders.

We draw on knowledge, familiarity, and experience
Challenging times require skilled employees. All our consultants have a large number of recruitments within the commercial field under their belts. We recruit both nationally and internationally and, in that context, leverage our extensive network in Scandinavia through JKS's own local branches or globally through our sister company, Professionals.

Anne-Marie Hviid Ekstrøm

Read about Anne-Marie Hviid Ekstrøm

Jeg har de seneste 20 år arbejdet indenfor rekruttering og HR – både som selvstændig og i andre virksomheder. Min store passion er mennesker og det at finde det helt rigtige match både fagligt men også personligt når det gælder den konkrete opgaveløsning hos vores kunder. Med indsigt, viden og forståelsen for hele forretningen- sættes der fokus på rekrutteringsprocessen gennem realistisk, målrettet og individuel screening af begge parter. Med godt og bredt kendskab til både arbejdsmarkedet og kandidatmarkedet løses der opgaver på flere niveauer – og indenfor alle faggrupper.

Do you want to hear more?

Are you interested in learning more about Career and our recruitment process? Contact us and find out how we can help your company..