About us

Recruitment can be many things, but it always involves finding individuals and companies that are right for each other.

All challenges are unique

There are no two people alike. And there are no two companies alike. Therefore, at Career, we see each recruitment as a unique challenge. In this context, we believe in the value of putting ourselves in other's shoes.

It helps ensure that we always provide the best and most insightful advice and collaboration. A vacant position is not just a position to be filled for us. It is the most important opportunity to match the right people with the right company and create good results for everyone.

A part of JKS Company

Career is part of JKS Company, which since its inception in 1995 has evolved into one of Denmark's largest staffing companies. JKS consists of four pillars. In addition to Career, there is Professionals, specializing in the recruitment of freelance consultants, Assistance, providing personnel for hotels, cafeterias, and restaurants, and JKS, offering tailored temporary staffing solutions to Danish businesses.

JKS Company is dedicated to enhancing and unlocking the potential within both individuals and companies.

Go to jks.dk

How we recruit

We employ a proven process that, tailored to each recruitment, ensures a smooth process and a value-creating match. The process consists of five steps: kickoff meeting, search, selection, interview, and evaluation.

See our process
At Career, we have three core values. They serve as a guiding principle for how we work and for our collaboration with companies and candidates.


We believe in the value of good and constructive dialogue. It ensures, on the one hand, competent, engaged, and satisfied employees and, on the other hand, quick and effective task resolution.


We not only keep our promises or state things as they are. We are always open and honest about our actions. We believe that credibility is something we earn.


People are different and are motivated by different things. Therefore, we focus on creating broad frameworks at all levels of the organization. This ensures the most engaged and valuable collaboration for all parties involved.

Jeanette Møller Demuth

Read about Jeanette Møller Demuth

Jeg har været ansat i rekrutteringsbranchen siden 2005 i forskellige konsulenthuse og bureauer, og har arbejdet bredt med branchens mange facetter - med en stor og varieret kundeportefølje, og ligeså mangeartede opgaver med særligt fokus på tekniske specialister og HR, indkøb, leder og mellemledere blandt andet. Jeg har stor erfaring i rekruttering på alle organisationens forskellige niveauer og med stor respekt for mennesket i processen. Desuden arbejder jeg med outplacement, samt team- og medarbejderudvikling. Jeg er i dag afdelingschef for rekrutteringsteamet i Career, og løser de mangeartede rekrutteringer i samarbejde med de øvrige konsulenter.

Do you want to hear more?

Are you interested in learning more about Career and our recruitment process? Contact us and find out how we can help your company.